Education and Outreach at the SDSU Field Stations
Spectacular outdoor classrooms for schools, universities and the general public
Our Field Stations serve as spectacular outdoor classrooms for university, K-12 and continuing education. At SMER, facilities are also available for presentations and overnight stays for classes. Our reserves are regularly used for SDSU classes such as Plant Ecology, Plant Ecophysiology, Soil Biology, Microbial Ecology and several graduate seminars. We also host the annual Ecology Graduate Student Retreat at SMER. In 2018-2019, the FSP partnered with the Sage Project to involve a large and diverse set of SDSU classes in solving real-world problems associated with SMER. So far, this collaboration has brought students to the reserve from such diverse departments as Marketing, Geography, Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering.
Students from a Plant Ecology class listening to a lecture near the Rainfall Manipulation experiment at SMER
Plant Ecophysiology instructor, Matt Edwards, shows two students the use of the PAM Fluorometer to study plant physiology
Former doctoral student, Ellen Esch, helps a Plant Ecophysiology student use the pressure bomb to study plant water potential in the Rainfall Experiment at SMER
Plant Ecophysiology instructor, Matt Edwards and conservation biologist, Kathleen Pollett appreciate the wildlife at SMER
Former doctoral student, Ellen Esch, demonstrates use of a cropscanne to a Plant Ecology class at SMER
Pablo and Jamie lead SDSU students on a tour of the grove, including the greenhouses and photovoltaic array