by pbryant | Aug 10, 2012 | Conservation, Research, SMER
F90 is the designation of one of the mountain lions radio-collared by Dr. Winston Vickers, who studies genetic isolation and habitat connectivity in populations on either side of the I-15
by pbryant | Jul 31, 2012 | Plant Ecology, Research, SMER
97th Annual ESA Meeting, Alexandria Pivovaroff
by pbryant | Feb 21, 2012 | Conservation, Media Coverage, Research, Santa Margarita River, SMER
Southern California Steelhead Recovery Plan 2012
by admin | Sep 15, 2011 | Fire, Global Change, Research, Sky Oaks
The SDSU Global Change Research Group recently presented results of research conducted at the Sky Oaks Field Station at the MEDECOS XII conference in Los Angeles, CA. The presentation was titled, “The effects of elevated CO2, climate variability, and fire on the...